ScriptNet Solutions introduce
Create dozens of Snaps in a flash; add a URL, decide the size and quality. Done!
Just add a URL, to get elegant HQ PDF paginated, with images links and your Brand.
A robust REST API that can be Customized with Measurements and Quality of Web Thumbnails.
Add manually the quality of the Images generated, or a standard of those generated via API.
Add manually, Height and Width of each Image, or a standard size of those generated via API.
Expand Your Brand: add a Custom Image as a Trademark for all generated files ( PDF included).
Update an already created Snapshot in seconds, or Auto Backup your files directly to your DropBox Account!
SNEAKPEEK™ is 1 Suite for all your Web Projects: create in the fly the right code for your needs. Edit, Copy and Paste: done!
Add Value to WP Webistes: Setup in seconds the Official WordPress Plugin and show External Websites Links Preview with your Brand.
SneakPeek Script Dashboard in 4 Minuts
Wikipedia tells us that Thumbnails are reduced-size versions of pictures, used to help in recognizing and organizing them, serving the same role for images as a normal text index does for words.
And as we all know, A picture is worth a thousand words, so using an image in a nice and beautiful form can give your layout a very neat look.
So why then, use a Preview System for Links?
The reasons are different, and all valid. First of all, you create an extra service for the User and enrich your content. It allows you to have in a few seconds a complete view of the references of an article or a source, without having to click on the link. This creates a greater confidence in the navigation of your site, an immediate ability to perceive the logical sense of the content you propose.
Create in seconds the Website Preview or PDF Preview with your Logo or Brand
Enriching your content with images related to external links has become simpler, faster and more effective. SneakPeek Script will help you in the creation of Presentations or Marketing Research, or by providing the Team of Web Agencies with individual resources for increase the effectiveness of their Marketing and Branding strategies; this and much more!
SNEAKPEEK is one of the Highest Quality Scripts available on the Market for Linux Servers and it provides more Features than any other Online Service competition's sites. An highly Professional User Interface with cutting edge technology on the Front-End and Backend. It is Modern, using Angular.Js Single Page Application along with PHP, HTML5 and Bootstrap. What makes this Powerful Script Lightweight, Responsive, Mobile-Optimized, and Cross-Platform compatible.
Speaking of SEO, the images created are related to content; given the recent skills of search engines, to be able to "read" texts in images, it follows that the sources proposed during the searches will be displayed with your Brand. To achieve this, in Web Marketing it takes months and thousands of dollars.
In addition, thanks to the use of the exclusive Wordpress Plugin *, APIs can be used on dozens of different sites, with the ability to customize the image generation formats at will.